Story is Magic, part 1

Story is Magic, part 1

Story is an account told for entertainment, but it is also a core mechanism for understanding the world around us. We internalize story, and it becomes reality to us. We use story to interpret story. It’s turtles stacked on top of turtles, all the way down. Continue reading Story is Magic, part 1

Everything You Dream is Fiction: further reading

Everything You Dream is Fiction: further reading

As our conscious self is not an angelic creature free of sin, our shadow is not a demon, devoid of redeeming qualities, and these strengths of the shadow are what make it attractive. This does not mean we are conscious of the shadow, but when we are confronted by some aspect of it repugnant to us, we may sense that with it comes a self-confidence we lack. This is the lie of the shadow. Giving in to one repressed and unhealthy aspect of ourselves does not guarantee expression of healthier aspects. Continue reading Everything You Dream is Fiction: further reading

Everything You Dream is Fiction: part 5

Everything You Dream is Fiction: part 5

As our conscious self is not an angelic creature free of sin, our shadow is not a demon, devoid of redeeming qualities, and these strengths of the shadow are what make it attractive. This does not mean we are conscious of the shadow, but when we are confronted by some aspect of it repugnant to us, we may sense that with it comes a self-confidence we lack. This is the lie of the shadow. Giving in to one repressed and unhealthy aspect of ourselves does not guarantee expression of healthier aspects. Continue reading Everything You Dream is Fiction: part 5

Everything You Dream is Fiction: part 4

Everything You Dream is Fiction: part 4

In stories, we end with pattern satisfaction. In life, the story continues. Imperfections and failures mount, parent and child. Forgiveness and love are hopefully offered and received. The child becomes a parent, and the parent decreases. She becomes old and frail, full of want and anxiety. Provision and care are again external, and in certain times and cultures, that provision and care came from the child, completing the circle. Continue reading Everything You Dream is Fiction: part 4